Our Programs


THe Menses Project + Homelessness

The Menses Project distributes traditional products like pads and tampons to homeless shelters. We currently hold relationships with a network of shelters but are trying to systematically address the lack of menstrual products available to people experiencing homelessness by creating this portal for shelters to request products to meet the needs of their communities proactively.

The Menses Project + Education Access

The Menses Project is currently measuring how much time students spend out of class if they are menstruators, where students can find menstrual products in schools, and how much teachers, nurses, and administrators pay out of pocket to provide students with menstrual products.

The Menses Project understands the importance of education and is collecting stories on how menstrual inequity can affect things like being able to afford lunch in school, gender gaps in academic achievement, truancy, bullying, etc.

To join our efforts, sign up below.

We are working to build out more programming on the following topics.

Sign up to help us develop these programs more:

  • Labor Rights

  • Immigrant Justice

  • Criminal Justice

  • Accessibility
